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Assurance Services in Financial Oversight!

Assurance services involve independent professionals providing assurance to stakeholders regarding the accuracy and reliability of financial information, compliance with regulations, and effectiveness of internal controls. These services include financial statement audits, internal audits, compliance audits, and other attestation engagements.

  • icon Special Investigation Assessment
  • icon Fraud Survey
  • icon Corporate Governance Planning
  • icon Policy Review Programmes (SOPs)
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Special Investigation Assignment:

Special Investigation means any matter that the Division of Internal Audit reviews that is not included in the annual audit plan, including matters brought to the attention of the Office of Audits through the fraud, waste, and abuse tip line. At Fintale Consultancy, we undertake such investigation with utmost discretion and maintain full confidentiality of our findings.

Fraud Survey:

With companies having a various specialized department, and a large number of workforce (in-house as well as contractual), the chances of unethical practices occurring have become significantly higher. We, at Fintale Consultancy, deploy a team of risk and compliance officers that work towards detecting a scam/ fraud usually schemed in manner to disguise the internal management about such unethical activities happening in the business place(s). We assure to maintain full discretion and confidentiality of our clients in such delicate business matters.

Corporate Governance Planning:

Corporate governance is the system by which companies are directed and controlled. Boards of directors are responsible for the governance of their companies. The shareholders' role in governance is to appoint the directors and the auditors and to satisfy themselves that an appropriate governance structure is in place. Fintale Consultancy guides and advices your company on how to plan a corporate governance that truly benefits all the stakeholders of the company.

Policy Review Programmes (SOPs):

Whether a business is a small-scale business or a multi- national company, every business needs a set of standard procedures that they implement in their daily workings. These SOPs act as guidelines and set the tone of your entire business. When designed and implemented with careful consideration, it can make the daily workings of your business seamless and smoothen out any recurring issues. Fintale Consultancy works with you to understand your business and helps you design, implement and review SOPs customized specifically for your business. Our technical and financial experts can work with any business entity and provide tailor-made SOPs that best suits their requirements.

Questions? You're covered.

Special Investigation Assignments cover a wide range of issues that fall outside the scope of the annual audit plan. This includes, but is not limited to, allegations of fraud, waste, and abuse, compliance violations, financial irregularities, breaches of ethics, and any other misconduct within an organization. These investigations are triggered by tips, complaints, or during the course of regular audits when anomalies are detected that require further examination.

Fintale Consultancy prioritizes confidentiality and discretion throughout the Special Investigation process. This is achieved by employing strict data security measures, conducting sensitive inquiries with utmost privacy, and ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to investigation details and findings. Communication with clients is conducted through secure channels, and findings are reported in a manner that protects the identities of individuals involved and the integrity of the investigation.

To initiate a Special Investigation, clients should contact Fintale Consultancy to schedule a confidential consultation. During this initial meeting, clients are encouraged to share their concerns and any relevant information or evidence they might have, without compromising the confidentiality of the information. Fintale Consultancy will then assess the situation, propose an investigation plan tailored to the specific issues at hand, and outline the next steps, including scope, methodologies, and expected timelines.

Upon the completion of a Special Investigation, clients can expect a comprehensive report detailing the investigation's findings, including any identified misconduct, financial discrepancies, or compliance issues. The report will also provide recommendations for corrective actions to address the uncovered issues and prevent their recurrence. Fintale Consultancy aims to equip clients with the information and insights needed to make informed decisions about next steps, which may include disciplinary actions, process improvements, or legal proceedings, depending on the nature of the findings.
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